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Showing posts with label keyframe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label keyframe. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 December 2020




 Here we shall learn about some additional  features of animation in Blender. When we want to animate a character(say a Cube), apart from changing its location, its angle of rotation and size(scaling) can also be animated. Again combinations like location and rotation, location and size,rotation and size or all three location-rotation-scale can be varied. Further these changes can be effected on all three axes - X,Y and Z.
 Further not only the objects in Blender like the Cube, Cylinder,Cone, UVSphere can be animated, the Camera and Lights can also be animated .  Further, the different shades of colour of an object or the brightness level can also be animated.  
 If there are more than one object in the 3D Screen, when we animate, we must set key frames for each Object. Again when the movement of the object is complex, (when we make a robot to walk like a man) then the number of keyframes would also increase very fast. This can be a very daunting task. To simplify the keyframing process and to speed it up, we can use Auto keyframing.



The word "Animation" is derived from the word "Animate" , which means to make an object come alive or to move like a living being. Cartoon characters are a good example of animation where the characters are made to walk, jump,slide,laugh or do  any other motion.


Let us understand the basic concept of animation. Look at the image of an arrow facing upwards in Fig-1. 


We want this arrow to smoothly turn to the horizontal position as shown in Fig-2.


To animate this arrow, we draw images of the arrow at in-between positions as shown in Fig-3.


 The whole set of image, from beginning to end,  would then be as shown below in Fig-4.


When we animate these images the computer will generate images for all in-between positions and show all the images in  sequence. The arrow will appear to turn smoothly from Vertical to Horizontal position as shown in the video, whose link is given below:

 In animation, one basic idea we must know is that when a sequence of images are run quickly at a minimum rate of 24 images per second the human eye sees the image movement  as a continues movement. This   idea is used in all animation, videos and movies.

 In Blender each of this image, where some change is made, is called  a Keyframe. We must set the key frames in Blender. In the Arrow animation example we discussed above, we have set four keyframes.  When we animate, Blender generates all the intermediate frames.

Now we shall learn to animate a Cube in Blender. The steps are given below:

1. Open Blender and then a new file and add an object(Cube)  at x,y location(0,0) in the Top view(Press Numpad 7).
2. In the Timeline window as shown below, set the frame number to 1.

2. Position the cursor in 3D window and press "I" key. In the "Insert keyframe Menu" panel which opens, select "Location".



An yellow line will appear in the Timeline window which indicates that a key frame is inserted.

3. Next set the frame number to 125 in the Timeline window as shown below. 


In the 3D window move the cube to x,y location (5,5). Hit "I" key, then select Location in the "Insert Keyframe Menu" panel. An yellow line will appear in the time line window which indicates that a key frame is inserted at frame 125.

4. Next set the frame number to 250 in the Timeline window as shown below.


In the 3D window move the cube to x,y location (10,10). Hit "I" key, then select Location in the "Insert Keyframe Menu" panel. An yellow line will appear in the time line window which indicates that a key frame is inserted at frame 250.
5. Now set the frame number to 1 by pressing |<< key in the TimeLine window. This can also be done by entering 1 in the window as shown in the image above. To play the animation, press > key.
6. Save the Blender file.


Blender version 3.6 To make any edge to be rounded smoothly, we can use the bevel tool in Edit Mode. Look at the cube in Image 1 where all t...