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Tuesday, 14 September 2021


Blender 2.79b
Open a new Blender file with the default objects - A Cube, Camera and lamp.Set up the objects as per details given below.

1. Cube- location 0,0,0, rotation to 0,0,0.
2. Camera- location, 7.5,-6.5,5.5 ,rotation 65,0,45.
3. Lamp- location  4,1,6 , rotation  40,0,110. on the  Properties Editor window set lamp  energy to 10 and   diffuse (RGB) value to 1,1,1.
4. View - Camera view by pressing 0 on the Numpad.
5. Viewport shading - Rendered - In the 3D window header.
6. Time line editor window-Set cursor (green line) at frame number 1. End frame to 100.

In 3D window select the Cube, then in  Properties Editor window,click on Material Properties icon, and then, in the Diffuse panel, click LMB on the color band which opens up a color selection wheel. Set the RGB value to 0,1,0.Click RMB a popup  menu will appear. Click on Insert keyframe. An yellow line appears at frame one indicating that a key frame is inserted. Now move the cursor to frame 100. Change the Diffuse color setting  to 0,0,1. Click RMB on the color band,in the popup menu , click on insert keyframe, a key frame will be inserted at frame 100. Now save the file.Position the cursor at frame number 1.

On the info Editor header, Click on "Render" and then click on "Render Animation". The animation will  be rendered. Once the rendering is done, click on "Render" once again and click on Play Animation. The light color of the Lamp will change from Red to Blue, as the cursor moves from frame 1 to 100.

 This effect will be visible with the color of the cube  changing from Green to Blue  due to the diffuse color being animated.

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